Module Overview
1.Cloud Automation — Automating tasks on AWS(使用Boto Library)
- Introduction to Boto(AWS SDK for Python)
- Install Boto and connect to AWS
- Create VPC and Subnets
- Difference of Terraform and Python(When to use which?)
- 第一個將會練習EC2 instance相關的自動化任務,並確認EC2狀態,設定Server,加tags,備份或清除EC2的Volume甚至從備份中還原
- Write Scheduled tasks
- Get EKS Cluster Information
- (以上都會透過Boto Library實現)
- 也許未來會碰到的Cloud可能是GCP或Azure,但是課程上各種概念與文件查找都會是類似的過程
2.Website Monitoring — linod Server上運行Nginx Container
- Monitor Application(可能是簡單http請求並得到回應)
- Email Notification
- Recover:Restart application